Welcome to Kuklos, a time-based css styler.

Kuklos ("cycle" in Greek) is a jquery plugin that allows you to easily customize your website based on time of day, and be as granular as you could possibly want.

How does it work?

Simply add in the plugin, create an empty link in the head with the data-attribute "data-kuklos", call the function on dom.ready, sending it a map of times and file paths.

Note: times must be in the format hour:minute:{am/pm} (e.g. 1:20pm, or 3:30am). Bad inputs will simply be discarded. Also note, filenames must not have a colon, as they are not acceptable file formats.

var css_root = 'times/';
// optional: render time and the stylesheet in use
show_current_time: '#dom-element',
times: {
'9:30am': css_root + '930am.css',
'1:00pm': css_root + '1pm.css',
'9:20pm': css_root + '920pm.css',
'11:20pm': css_root + '1120pm.css'